
The Big Phat Weight Reveal - Week 10

Sorry to disappoint, not in the 1's this week. I watched what I ate, I exercised but no decrease. In fact, an increase. See numbers below - booooooooo.

Week 10 Numbers Game:

Weight: 203lbs
Lbs Lost this week: 0
Lbs gained this week: 2
Lbs Lost thus far: 16
Lbs still needed to lose: 34+19
Desserts consumed: 1/2
Starbucks Cookies: 0
Peanut Butter by the spoon: 0
KM walked: 39KM
Zumba Classes: 0
Booty Camp Classes: 0
Glasses of Shiraz: 3
Poutine: 0
Mimosas: 0
Emotional Breakdowns: 0
Excuses: Just a few...I got my Phat ass moving this week...

Well, I cannot lie, I am disappointed. I will get there. At moments like this, I can only think about what will it take for me to lose the weight. I don't want to sound like a whiner, all I can say is that I will do better this week and get a better result for reveal week 11. I worked out 3 times this week - and I ran half of one of them so that is promising, but I am not kicking my phat ass into gear as much as I should be. I am not eating as much fruit or vegetables as I was in the beginning - so I need to focus on that. I feel that I am just in hibernation mode - I need to get WiFit I think - that may help a bit. I heard another story of someone losing like 50lbs on it - so it obviously has to work and oh so convenient - how can I resist? I need to look into it and anyone who is reading who has it? Please give me advice - do I need the balance board thing? What games should I get? I like the idea of tennis, running and other stuff - boxing maybe? I need help with this and a starting point so any tips would be great.

I need to get rid of bread and pasta. I am eating less of it, for sure...but it is so comforting. The reason it comforts me is because I feel full, and the Phat acts as a cushion around my bones - again, I am used to this protection and it is hard to let go I guess subconsciously. I can tell the difference in how my clothes fit and the scale can reflect different things at different times of the month for women. I think I am going to buy an electronic Weight Watchers scale to be as accurate as possible - it will tell me I am 203.4 as opposed to 203. My scale right now I jump on 10 times and it gives me different numbers each time off a pound here, add a pound there - so I don't feel it is as accurate as it could be. Despite what the scales says, I have a LONG way to go - but still have the passion to want to get there.

Halloween is over, which means the Christmas (yes, I said Christmas - my blog, my political correct-ness) season is upon us. In the next couple of days, you will notice that there are decorated Christmas trees, lights and decorations everywhere. Last week I got excited that the Starbucks cozies changed to the holiday ones, soon it will be the red cups with snowflakes on them, filled with Creme Brulee lattes (which are in stores today). Say goodbye to the fall Pumpkin Spice Latte - sorry Baby Momma and say hello to Christmas, although almost 2 months away. Tis the season for chocolate, cookies, cakes, food in excess and putting on the POUNDS. I really want to get through this season with pounds lost, not the pounds back from Jamaica with their new boyfriends in tow. Temptation will be everywhere and I have to prepare myself. Be strong. Stay strong. Remain focused. No to shortbread. No to the endless chocolate, dinners, holiday get togethers etc. I can go, I just need to not say "oh well, tis the season!" and proceed to stuff my face until I am in pain - I need to think of my Phat ass and the neck phat, and the pigeons in the spring who will sit there gawking if the vacationing phat returns. No to the cookie exchange party I was invited to - although if I participate I could give my cookies to homeless people... going to that party, as much as I would love to, is like a drug addict going to a heroin party. Just not the best idea for me as a recovering cookie addict.

That is something I want to do this year, donate my time to a homeless shelter and put smiles on faces of those less fortunate. Give to receive so much more than gifts wrapped in crisp holiday themed paper and sparkly bows. Feel the warmth of what an hour or two can give to someone who essentially has nothing. I could also visit the elderly this season. I love older people. They have seen so much, have so much knowledge of life and sadly, could feel alone this time of year. My heart aches to think noone visits them or spends time with them or anyone at this magical time of year could feel alone. I know how it can feel and I can handle it myself.

I have woken up in a different city alone on Christmas as my best friend was in Italy at the time (where I usually spend Christmas) so I booked a vacation for myself in Charlevoix, Quebec at Le Manoir Richelieu http://www.fairmont.com/Richelieu?cm_mmc=icppc-_-Branded-LMR%20-%20Le%20Manoir%20Richelieu%20-%20Canada-_-google-_-manoir+richelieu. It was weird, but my Christmas Eve was one of the best I had ever had. I went for an exfoliating massage, then for a long walk, came back to my room which had fruit skewers and hot chocolate sauce for dipping. I went to the hot springs, sat in the springs outside while perfectly formed snowflakes fell around me, melting on my skin on impact. Celine Dion's Christmas album played on the speakers - this was lovely, but to some of you I am sure it could be dreadful. It truly felt magical and I will never forget it. I went ice skating, then went to the theatre room and watched You've Got Mail in the evening - which is one of my favourites. When I went back up to my room, a stocking stuffed with fruit and chocolate was on my bed - Santa had dropped it off...I woke up Christmas morning like it was any other day. People called me, but I was ok. I have faced waking up on Christmas morning alone, but I was in a luxury hotel which wasn't so bad. It just breaks my heart to think of someone else feeling alone.
I need to look into this. I need to finally fill out my Big Sister application form and send it in also. Do the things that will make a difference in other people's lives, as opposed to worry about how phat I feel on a day to day basis. I have enough love in my heart to share with other people, so why not show that compassion to strangers? It could enrich their life, as well as my own. I am sure it would make a difference to someone - as I know something little to me, could mean so much to someone else - as I have experienced in my own life. People have done incredibly small things that they may not have realized what a huge impact and difference it had made in my life.

What do you want to do to make a difference?

Blog Soon,