Well, the title sounds funny, yes, indeed. "What does she mean her bed is her best friend?" you may be asking yourself...I assure you, I am one of those people who loves their sleep. Editor's Note: When I have referred to my best friend in previous posts, I do mean my best friend and not my bed...I love my bed frame - it is from the Bombay Company and I had pulled out the picture from a catalogue when I was 20 years old. I fell in love with it. It was $1700 and there was no way living on my own I could afford it. I held onto the picture and a few years later I met my birth mother. I told her about my love for this bed and I couldn't afford it and she offered to buy it for me. I said I could pay her back and that it would take time, rather than her buy it for me. It was on sale so I asked her what she would do. She said "I would let me buy the bed" so I did. It was one of the nicest things anyone had ever done for me, and I will never forget it and I still love it as much as I did today, 8 years later. I think that my love for luxury bedding comes from her, it is in my blood. She has impeccable taste and should have been or should be an interior designer. Her house? Stunning. Right out of a House and Home magazine. She is also like Martha Stewart but better where she prepares meals, desserts and much more that looks exactly like it should if from a recipe - like when a recipe is from Gourmet magazine, it looks exactly like the picture on the cover. Let's just say, I have burned popcorn, made a turkey pie evapourate in the oven and too many times to count screwed up in the kitchen. Thank goodness I am dating a Chef. I think the only "food gene" I got from her is my love for Peanut Butter, as she has admitted to eating it by the spoon as well. Nurture vs. Nature? Who knows....
If you know me, and you were reading my Facebook posts on which bedding I should choose for my room renovation, you will already have an idea that a lot of time and money went into the bedding I have right now. So much so, it was practically on a lay-a-way plan. Ok, well the items were on hold and I went back each week to pick up one pillow sham here, one duvet cover there. I have no shame, they offer that service at the store because they know people like me need it. Restoration Hardware is a magnificent store and I finally chose the hotel embroidered bedding in black and white, and decided against the monogrammed sheets. It was a difficult decision, but I can always get monogrammed bedding next time. My sheets are 700 thread count, 100% cotton hotel sheets and yes, sheets make a difference. If you want amazing sheets, go to Homesense. Editors Note: I bought a queen sheet set for $225 at RH and got the 700 thread count at Homesense for $70 - needless to say the $225 sheets are a lower thread count and are my second back up, meaning the third set I use when I change my sheets...I feel that your bedroom is an extension of who you are. It is your resting place, which should be tranquil, comfortable and beautiful. I like to be surrounded by beauty although you would never know it looking out my kitchen window at the flashing lights of Jilly's. I painted my room Light Silver Sage, again, from Restoration Hardware. It is a blue, but soft, metal like blue. It looks fantastic in every light and perfectly compliments my bedding. Do you remember "Lights Out?", needless to say, if I didn't spend all my money on sheets, my power most likely wouldn't have been turned off. A girl has to have her priorities! I was told by some serious decorators, I just had to have throw pillows because my bed looked naked - well we couldn't have that so I picked up two at Urban Barn and found two satin fuchsia pillows on my trip to Montreal - for $4.50 a piece - best buy of the year! My bedroom is now complete, perhaps an armoir in the future as my closet space is lacking, but I can make do for now. My room is also an Audrey room, meaning, all of the pictures on each wall, are different Audrey Hepburn pictures - which of course are all beautiful because she is.

This one was made for me for my birthday - the inspiration for the Audrey room
Now it is time to decorate the rest of my apartment. I have been there for 5 years and now that the bedroom looks great, I need to paint my walls everywhere else. I have been so conflicted for years on what colour to choose. I finally decided on a deep gray which will look amazing with white or deep purples. Looking at Moroco Chocolat confirmed my decision on the dark gray and increased my love for deep purple. I need to get the huge black and white picture of the Eiffel tower from Ikea and a 42" flat screen oh and of course a new couch - an L shaped one would work perfectly my living room, but I just can't decide for sure. My plan was to have all of this done by Christmas, but it may not happen that way. Slowly but surely, I just need to have the painter come and do it once I choose all of my colours. I think 2010 will be an excellent year, and to start it off with an even more fabulous apartment, would be ideal. I don't want to move, although my landlord is a complete jerk because I am very attached to my apartment but I need to feel inspired and refreshed and making over my apartment as well as myself will be part of the overall transformation!
Back to my main point, I love my bed. I love sleeping in, laying in it and each morning I find it harder and harder to get out of bed. With the not so phony next to me, holding me, it is so cozy, warm and oh so comfortable - I hate getting out. He is like my very own heated blanket. Not so fun in the summer, but perfect right now and until about March. In fact I get miserable when the alarm goes off. I snooze numerous times because it is just so unfair. I wish it was 6pm, the end of the day and I can get back into bed. The cold walk to the shower, waiting for the hot water, coming out of the hot water into cool air - it is torture. I do love it cold, but first thing in the morning after being oh so warm? I have to think about Starbucks to get my motivated. It is almost time to bring out the heavy duvet cover that makes it even more difficult to get out of bed in the morning. My mother got a beautiful bed set for me years ago and this duvet cover is so heavy I put a goose down duvet and a comforter inside of it. Then on top of it I put my duvet cover with another down duvet in that so I have 5 layers on top of me. It is heavy. It is heaven. I cannot even describe what it feels like. Once I am under that thing, I have no chance in the morning. I find myself thinking about it while I am at work.
Ok, so yes, I wrote almost an entire blog about my bed - I do love my bed, I told you!!
As for exercise - again, lazy this week - I am going to go tonight because I am telling you that I am going tonight. I am tired and right now all I can think about it my bed after all this pillow talk - but goodness gracious me, my reward tonight can be crawling in after my shower feeling good about working my phat ass off. Boooo to exercise, cold air and feeling like crap because I haven't run in a few days. I will change that tonight.
Blog Soon,

Me at Venice Beach, California February 2008 - added pic because it was fun and warm!